A 20-year-old woman presents with a history of vaginal discharge for the past 3 days. On pelvic examination, you see a mucopurulent exudate at the cervical os, and there is tenderness on palpation of the right fallopian tube. You do a Gram stain and culture on the cervical discharge. The culture is done on Thayer-Martin medium. Of the following, which findings are the MOST likely to be found?

  •   A Gram stain reveals many neutrophils but no gram-negative diplococci are seen, and culture on Thayer-Martin medium reveals coagulase-positive colonies.
  •  A Gram stain reveals many neutrophils and gram-variable rods, and culture on Thayer-Martin medium reveals β-hemolytic colonies.
  •   A Gram stain reveals many neutrophils and gram-negative diplococci, and culture on Thayer-Martin medium reveals oxidase-positive colonies.
  •  A Gram stain reveals many neutrophils and spirochetes, and culture on Thayer-Martin medium reveals no colonies.